I knew Huckabee was a despicable scumwad, but she seems to be following the GQP playlist by going out of her way to prove she is not only DEEPLY dishonest, but flat out stupid as well. Sad that the people of Arkansas are stuck with such an oxygen thief.

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And lawyers wonder why the public’s opinion of them is so low….

A profession whose members twist themselves into a pretzel in order to make an argument that defies logic, reason, common sense, AND the plain language of the law is not a profession worthy of respect.

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Plenty of lawyers do not, in fact do that. Don't tar the entire profession because of the actions of the MAGA majority on the Arkansas Supreme Court.

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Of course there are lawyers and judges who refuse to subscribe to contorted arguments. But I am not the one tarring the profession. That's being done by the lawyers and judges in extremely powerful positions who make a mockery of the law. The law profession - including the judiciary - is self-policing. It has no one to blame but itself.

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Most lawyers don’t practice like this, and State Supreme Courts certainly shouldn’t. But don’t besmirch all lawyers because of the actions of a few. Believe me, I agree with you about the gov’t lawyer’s actions-I’m a lawyer, in Arkansas, that spent MONTHS collecting signatures in 100 degree weather, so I know of what I speak. An injustice done by the government is not and should not be a reflection of our entire profession.

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I would never mean to suggest that there aren’t lawyers with integrity. Of course there are. But it isn’t me that is besmirching your profession. It is your colleagues. Worse, it is your colleagues in positions of power. And if that weren’t enough, it is repeated instances of this kind of nonsense. Look at how the legal profession abused all of us with the election interference claims. Not just Rudy and Sidney. There were lots of others who aided and abetted. Like the various AGs. Look at SCOTUS, not just on the immunity issue but on decisions that are driven far more by a desire to achieve a particular end rather than by an honest application of the law - and an honest review of history- to the facts. And their refusal to adhere to the most basic of ethical standards further demeans all of you in the eyes of the public. Your profession is self-policing. If you can’t find a way to rid yourselves of bad actors, the public will inevitably paint you with the same brush.

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Oops! Didn’t realize you are MAGA! 👀 Bye now!

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You are a lawyer, correct? If so, thank you for making my point for me.

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Reader and volunteer from Arkansans For Limited Government here. Thanks for an excellent chronology of the events of the past months. We're down, but we're not out.

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As an AA volunteer & Arkansas attorney of 43 years, I am outraged with the ruling. But there is something Arkansas voters can do. Justice Baker, who wrote the scathing dissent, is running in Nov against Justice Wood, the Federalist Society hack, who rewrote the law to block the Constitutional rights of all Ark. voters. As there is no R or D by the names (& most people don’t keep up with judicial candidates), tell everyone you know that Baker is the BEST and Wood is the WORST. There should be 103,000 voters against Wood for ripping their rights away from them!

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I agree 1000%! Baker is a friend of women and a good judge. Wood is the opposite. I’m telling everyone the same thing- VOTE BAKER.

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Calvinball all the way down.

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Welcome to The KKKristofascist States of Amurikkka. May I take your rights?

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Perhaps in some bright future when at least the federal courts are bailed out and righted, it will be possible to challenge despotic state regimes under the Guarantee Clause.

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Excellent writeup on the conspiracy by state officials to bend the law to keep abortion off the ballot by any means necessary--and the rubber stamp from a partisan Supreme Court. For much (much!) more on all this, follow the stories we've been posting at the Arkansas Times: https://arktimes.com/author/davidramsey

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And people wonder why people lose faith in government and the courts.

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Can Arkansas voters do anything at all to fix this egregious wrongdoing by the State Supreme Court et all?? Before November? This is a total travesty of justice, and women will suffer and possibly die because of the continued draconian abortion law.

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Any Federal remedy for a State violating folks' due process rights? Or is the Federal Judiciary so weakened now that is dominated by the Opus Dei Federalist Society?

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That's my question too. Do they just give up now or is PP or some other group with funds going higher up the court chain?

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With all this coming out of Arkansas, I have new appreciation for Bill Clinton's "Arkansas-truthful" answer to the question of whether there was something going on between him and Monika Lewinsky:

“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If the—if he—if ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement. … Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true.”

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What more “is” there to say?

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